Capricorn Zodiac Birth Stones
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- ₹ 999
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- ₹ 999
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TheZodiac Collection has been created for astrology believers. Choose a crystal bracelet that coincides with your zodiac sign.
Each zodiac sign has a number of crystals and gemstones that it is aligned with. These birthstones are known to bring good luck and connect you with the positive traits of your zodiac sign on a deeper level.
Capricorn Crystal Stones:
Tiger Eye
Black Tourmaline
Clear Quartz
Name: Tiger eye
Also known as: Stone of Courage
Befitting: Psychic protector, Confidence, will-power
Minerals: Silicates
Chakra: Brow, Solar Plexus
- Encourages passion for life
- Triggers will power and passion for success
- Helps manifesting thoughts
- Alleviates fear
Name: Black Tourmaline
Also known as: The Protector
Befitting: Protection, Grounding, Detoxification
Minerals: Silicon Hydroxide
Chakra: Root
- One of the best stone for personal protection
- It strengthens the immune system
- Placing this stone on painful area alleviates pain
- Eliminated negativity, worrying and stress
- Give clarity of thoughts
- Protects from electronic smog and mobile phone radiations
Name: Clear Quartz
Also known as: The Universal Crystal
Befitting: Energy, Amplification, Cleanser
Minerals: Silicon Dioxide
Chakra: All Chakras
- Can be used in all types of healing
- Used for protection, energies and strengthens aura
- Meditating with this stone helps in spiritual guidance
- Used in grids to channelize continuous energy
- Can be placed in home for protection and positive energy
- Strengthens immune system
Name: Hematite
Also known as: The Grounder
Befitting: Grounding, Protection, anemia
Minerals: Iron Oxide
Chakra: Root
- Helpful in case of anemia & purifies blood
- Refreshed after a long and tiring journey
- The best and most powerful stone for grounding
- Protects against all types of negative energies
- Protector against electromagnetic smog
- Helps in Geopathic Stress Reversals
How to use it: Place these crystals in your bedroom, under your pillow or you can carry them in your pocket. When you are meditating, hold the crystals in your hand and meditate as the crystals can sync with your energies.
Weight 60gm